
Javascript slice function
Javascript slice function

javascript slice function

The index of the last element is -1, and the index of second last element is -2, and so on. In JavaScript, slice () and splice () are both methods that developers can use to manipulate arrays. In JavaScript slice() method, you can use negative index for start and end parameters. Let almostFull = cars.slice(second, secondLast) slicing from the second element to second last element Let middleIndex = Math.floor(cars.length / 2) slicing the hole array from starting to end

javascript slice function javascript slice function

Zero-based index at which to start extraction. JavaScript () Parameters start (optional) JavaScript () SyntaxĪs you can see you can use slice() method in multiple ways it depends on you how you want to use because as you have seen in above code you can use negative indexes as well to access the values of array to create your own new array as of needed.

Javascript slice function