One issue is if you use a Mojang account or just play the game without an account at all in offline mode (you will get a default skin, there are many like the ones shown and others like a Zelda-style one), you may be sometimes automatically given a skin, or in some cases even if you use Minecraft Premium you may not have access to your Mojang/Microsoft Skin. It is possible to use without a TL account, and you will automatically get a skin selected many times even when you do not ask for one, but to get the most use you should preferably have a Tlauncher account, if you want even more features you can use Tlauncher Premium (though it is not available in the US or Canada). This mod is only officially supported on Tlauncher on supported configurations, it may work on other launchers with your TL account or on unsupported versions, but it is not guaranteed.The skins and capes you have will be viewable by other players, but it is recommended that they have the mod installed also.

Tlauncher has a large array of features and skins and capes are one of them. TLauncher is one of the most popular launchers and also one of the best ones.

TL skin and cape is a mod for Minecraft which adds integration with TLauncher and accounts for the use of Skins and Capes.