
Alpha protocol 2010 download
Alpha protocol 2010 download

And In a way, it's satisfying to see that my opinions on some things don't change through the years. I feel much today about this game as I did the first time I played it. Many components or aspects of the game either feel shallow and unfinished, or appear to be directly lifted and shifted in from other games (like Mass Effect in terms of leveling up, skill progression, and combat). Unfortunately where it sags down is in its lack of depth. Alpha Protocol has entertaining gameplay and the narrative, characters, and dialogue hold up well. Many accounts have detailed the many missteps between Obsidian and Sega, but ultimately lack of direction and organization is what led to this release not being more of a slam dunk. While I found this title to be quite buggy and shallow in some respects, it still managed to entertain and amuse its way into my recommended list - even if narrowly. Diving deeper into the world, you'll be split between safe houses in Taipei, Rome, and Moscow where you'll execute various missions. A spy thriller, action role-playing game from Obsidian Entertainment casts Michael Thorton as the spy protagonist. Ten years after its release, Alpha Protocol still sneaks by with a passing grade. Lowest Historical Price outside Steam: $0.99 $1.49 was the cheapest last time it was available.

alpha protocol 2010 download

Lowest Historical Price on Steam: No longer available on Steam.

alpha protocol 2010 download

Tags: A few words or tags that come to mind are: entertaining, anticlimactic, buggy, bittersweet. While taking it slightly out of context - Christian Donlan with Eurogamer describes it best, " a contemporary super-spy mod of Mass Effect.". Mediocrity Score: Mediocrity on a Good Day. A 2020 Review - Alpha Protocol (PC, 2010)

Alpha protocol 2010 download